Thursday, October 23, 2008

#4 of the 23 things

Yay! Made it through to #4 in the program so far! I'm taking it step by step through this "23 Things" program to help us librarians keep on learning.

1) I read about the program--seemed simple enough
2) I went through the Life-long Learning PowerPoint slides, and that was straightforward, too--it is basically what we "professional students" do all the time unconsciously. :) (Big thanks for putting it into Slide Show format! It helped me so much, because obviously to a deaf person like me listening to podcasts is out of the question if not nearly impossible.)
3) I wrote two blog posts so far--this is my third one. Blogging is addictive, especially to a writer like me.
4) I'm mailing the URL of my blog to the O! What a Geek team, so it will be on their blog roll soon.

This is fun, and oh so addictive....
(by the way, the link to O! What a Geek is )

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